

editMaterialID is a tool to edit the material ID of mesh elements in three different ways. It is possible to:

  • replace (-r, –replace) a current ID with a new one,
  • compress (-c, –condense) the list of material IDs to their smallest possible values, e.g. [0,2,15,23,47] becomes [0,1,2,3,4],
  • specify (-s, –specify) a new ID for all mesh elements of a certain group. The group refers to a certain element type like points, lines, quads, tetrahedra, hexahedra, triangles, prisms or pyramids.


   editMaterialID  {-r|-c|-s} [-e <point|line|quad|hex|tri|tet|pris|pyra>] 
                   [-n <number>][-m <number>] ... -o <file name> -i <file name [--] [--version] [-h]

   -r,  --replace
     (OR required)  replace material IDs
         -- OR --
   -c,  --condense
     (OR required)  condense material IDs
         -- OR --
   -s,  --specify
     (OR required)  specify material IDs by element types (-e)

   -e <point|line|quad|hex|tri|tet|pris|pyra>,  --element-type <point|line
     element type

   -n <number>,  --new-material-id <number>
     new material id

   -m <number>,  --current-material-id <number>  (accepted multiple times)
     current material id to be replaced

   -o <file name>,  --mesh-output-file <file name>
     (required)  the name of the file the mesh will be written to

   -i <file name>,  --mesh-input-file <file name>
     (required)  the name of the file containing the input mesh

   --,  --ignore_rest
     Ignores the rest of the labeled arguments following this flag.

     Displays version information and exits.

   -h,  --help
     Displays usage information and exits.


  1. In this example we change all elements of material ID 4 to ID 24.
editMaterialID -i mesh_layered.vtu -o mesh_newID.vtu -r -m 4 -n 24


[2023-02-23 16:19:09.663] [ogs] [info] Mesh read: 2915 nodes, 4609 elements.
[2023-02-23 16:19:09.664] [ogs] [info] Replacing material ID...
[2023-02-23 16:19:09.664] [ogs] [info] The MaterialIDs of the input file: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
[2023-02-23 16:19:09.664] [ogs] [info] 4 -> 24
[2023-02-23 16:19:09.664] [ogs] [info] The MaterialIDs of the output file: [0, 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 24]
  1. In this example we compress/condense the list of material IDs. The input mesh has a list of material IDs of [0,4,5,6,14,42,53]. Then we call the –condense option (-c) to compress this list to [0,1,2,3,4,5,6].
editMaterialID -i mesh_newID.vtu -o mesh_newID_c.vtu -c


[2023-02-23 16:20:21.688] [ogs] [info] Mesh read: 2915 nodes, 4609 elements.
[2023-02-23 16:20:21.688] [ogs] [info] Condensing material ID...
[2023-02-23 16:20:21.688] [ogs] [info] The MaterialIDs of the input file: [0, 4, 5, 6, 14, 42, 53]
[2023-02-23 16:20:21.688] [ogs] [info] The MaterialIDs of the output file: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]

Fig.1 The upper image shows a mesh with material IDs [0,4,5,6,14,42,53]. The lower one the same mesh with material IDs [0,1,2,3,4,5,6] after applying --condense.

  1. In this example we specify all elements that are shaped as tetrahedra to have a new MaterialID of 66.
editMaterialID -i mesh_newID.vtu -o mesh_specified.vtu -s -e tet -n 66


[2023-02-23 16:21:44.629] [ogs] [info] Mesh read: 2915 nodes, 4609 elements.
[2023-02-23 16:21:44.629] [ogs] [info] Specifying material ID...
[2023-02-23 16:21:44.629] [ogs] [info] The MaterialIDs of the input file: [0, 4, 5, 6, 14, 42, 53]
[2023-02-23 16:21:44.629] [ogs] [info] updated 88 elements
[2023-02-23 16:21:44.630] [ogs] [info] The MaterialIDs of the output file: [0, 4, 5, 6, 14, 42, 53, 66]

No material ID was lost as no MaterialID referred only to tetrahedra before. That is why only a new MaterialID is gained by this process.

This article was written by Julian Heinze. If you are missing something or you find an error please let us know.
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