Latest development version

Here you can find the latest version of OpenGeoSys. But be warned: although this version was successfully tested by the continuous integration system it may be unstable or incomplete...


Downloads for the current development version of OpenGeoSys can be found on our continuous integration system:

Current Release: OpenGeoSys 6.5.2

Released on Friday, Jun 14, 2024, GitLab release


Note: When using Python bindings make sure to have Python installed on your system:

Breaking changes

  • !4919 Removes the molar_flux secondary variable in favour of flux output for all chemical species.
  • !4971 THM and RM processes use current state for $C_{\text elastic}$ computation and no longer the “null”-state.
  • !4984 renames the cell averaged stress output from stress_avg to sigma_avg to be consistent with sigma and sigma_ip outputs.

Process’ changes

  • !4982 Correct domain deactivation behaviour for multi-variable processes; Assembly is not run iff the element is deactivated for all variables.
  • !4984 introduces generic cell averaged output for all processes using reflections for IP data I/O (ATM these are TRM, LD, SD, TH2M). This enables cell average output of all IP data (except material models’ internal state data) for these processes.


  • !4980 finalizes at large the extraction of the constitutive relations into individual models, similar to how it is done in ThermoRichardsMechanics.

Component transport process / reactive transport process with coupling of Phreeqc

  • !4919 Adds flux output <c>Flux for all chemical species <c>.


  • !5007, !5016 B-bar method for linear deformation with Cook’s-membrane test.

Generic features

  • !5009 Enables using Python and volumetric source terms as nodal source terms.


  • !5003 [ci] Fixes for win jupyter ctests

Bug fixes

  • !4919 Fixes the flux output computation in the ComponentTransport process. (The FEM assembly was/is correct.)


  • !4978 New CMake-preset sanitizer.
  • !4990 Refactored Eigen / MKL / OpenMP setup: Introduced new CMake option OGS_EIGEN_PARALLEL_BACKEND which is OpenMP by default. When using OGS_USE_MKL=ON then the backend is MKL. Also updated Eigen to a recent master.


  • !4973 Removed ogs-container-maker dependency. OGS user container are now generated with GNU Guix. Due to improvements in dependency management (CPM) third-party developer container (e.g. C++ VSCode Devcontainer) are sufficient to use for OGS development.
  • !4974 Removed ThirdParty-folder.
  • !5011 Provide MKL container on

File I/O

  • !4989, !4996 ogs and partmesh create output directory when invoked with -o-parameter.
  • !4997 ogs -m-switch: fallback to reading gml from .prj-file directory.

Material Property Library (MPL)

  • !4992 Allow access of deformation_gradient, mechanical_strain, stress, total_strain, and total_stress in the exprtk expressions of the MPL Function property.


Version info

Older releases


As OGS-6 is a re-implementation of OGS-5 with new concepts and methodologies there will probably never be complete feature parity. We provide binaries of OpenGeoSys-5 ready for you to use. Support is limited but you may ask questions or report bugs via our discussion forum mailing list.


OpenGeoSys 5.8

OpenGeoSys 5.7



On Windows you may have to install the appropriate Visual Studio Redistributable:


Development builds

TODO: You can get the latest OpenGeoSys-5 (with recent bug-fixes) version from the CI system. Binaries for Windows (64-Bit) and Linux are provided for the OGS FEM-simulator under “Last successful Artifacts”.

Source code

Source code is hosted on GitHub: