If you encounter issues using or developing OGS let us know. To help you in the best possible way, we need detailed information about the problem from you. In the best case we can reproduce the issue by ourselves and possibly fix it for you. Please provide the following information:
ogs --version
(e.g., version number or git commit hash and CMake arguments)Feel free to skip things from the list if you think they are not related to the issue but in general: the more information the better.
Submit the report to one of the following channels (beforehand you may want to check these channels if somebody else already described your issue):
Channel | Visibility | Requirement |
Send an email to the Service Desk1 | Private | - |
Post on Discourse | Public | A Discourse account |
Create an issue on OGS repository | Public or Private2 | A GitLab account |
This article was written by Lars Bilke. If you are missing something or you find an error please let us know.
Generated with Hugo 0.122.0
in CI job 520198
Last revision: July 8, 2024
Commit: [LD] Changed shape function its gradient names 6c1906cd
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